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ShapesCollection and ConnectionsCollection not updated after postback

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Henry asked on 08 Sep 2015, 01:10 PM


is there a work-around so that the ConnectionsCollection and ShapesCollection will be updated after a post-back?


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answered on 11 Sep 2015, 06:53 AM


I am able to post-back to the server the diagram's json object.


<telerik:RadDiagram ID="theDiagram" runat="server" Width="500" Height="500">
    <%--<ClientEvents OnSelect="diagramSelect" OnItemBoundsChange="diagramItemBoundsChange" OnLoad="diagram_load" />--%>
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="EagleShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#fca651" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Eagle" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="ZebraShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#e26c60" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Zebra" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="ButterflyShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#a84186" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Butterfly" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="PeacockShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#fca651" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Peacock" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="ElephantShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#e26c60" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Elephant" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="SpiderShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#a84186" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Spider" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="KangarooShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#fca651" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Kangaroo" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="OwlShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#e26c60" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Owl" Color="#fff" />
        <telerik:DiagramShape Id="BeeShape" Type="circle">
            <FillSettings Color="#a84186" />
            <ContentSettings Text="Bee" Color="#fff" />


<telerik:RadButton ID="testButton" runat="server" Text="test" OnClientClicked="testButton_ClientClicked" AutoPostBack="false"></telerik:RadButton>


<telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="uxRadScriptBlock" runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function testButton_ClientClicked(sender, eventArgs) {
            var diagram = $find("<%= theDiagram.ClientID %>");
            var diagramWidget = diagram.get_kendoWidget();
            var diagramJson =;
                type: "POST",
                async: true,
                url: 'http://localhost/Web/Diagram.aspx',
                data: JSON.stringify(diagramJson),
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (msg) {
                    console.log("SUCCESS:" + msg);
                error: function (msg) {
                    console.log("ERROR:" + msg);


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var context = HttpContext.Current;
    if (context.Request.ContentType.Contains("json"))
        var jsonString = String.Empty;
        context.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
        using (var inputStream = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream))
            jsonString = inputStream.ReadToEnd();
        var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(jsonString);
        var test = results["shapes"][0]["content"]["text"];


 Although I able to go through one-by-one the diagram's shape & connection properties in the "result" dynamic variable :





I was wondering if there's an easier way to populate the fields back to a server object.

I'm trying the following, but can't seem how to make it work:


JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
DiagramShapeConverter diagramShapeConverter =  new DiagramShapeConverter();
DiagramShape diagramShape = new DiagramShape();
diagramShape = diagramShapeConverter.Serialize(results["shapes"][0], javaScriptSerializer);


Please help how to use the "Converter", I see several of them, for DiagramShapeConverter, DiagramShapeConnectorConverter, etc




Telerik team
answered on 11 Sep 2015, 06:56 AM
Hi Henry,

RadDiagram is entirely client-side designed control and changes that occur on the client are not persisted somehow to the server. I am afraid, also, that there is no easy workaround for that to work. 

The only possible approach I can think of is to save and reload the JSON data of the RadDiagram—

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answered on 11 Sep 2015, 08:14 AM

I tried the following but got an error, please see below


An exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Telerik.Web.UI.dll but was not handled in user code


private JsonSerializerSettings _jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
    TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All,
    TypeNameAssemblyFormat = FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full


RadDiagramConverter radDiagramConverter = new RadDiagramConverter();
JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(jsonString, _jsonSettings);
var radDiagram = radDiagramConverter.Deserialize(dict, typeof(RadDiagram), javaScriptSerializer);

I wish to convert the json string back to a new RadDiagram server-side object

- as RadDiagram server-side object doesn't seem to retain any changes made by the user (e.g move shape, .. x y coordinates does not update).

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answered on 11 Sep 2015, 08:22 AM

Hi Ianko,

Thanks for your feedback. Yes, it is indeed a client-side control.

Just wondering how to use the RadDiagramConverter ,

- what is for

- any sample code you can provide me ?


Telerik team
answered on 12 Sep 2015, 04:59 AM
Hello Henry,

RadDiagramConverter is a helper class that is used internally in RadDiagram to serialize some diagram options to the client. 

Its design is not to be used in a custom solution with diagram and I don't see how it could be useful in your scenario. 

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answered on 12 Sep 2015, 06:03 AM

Thanks Ianko. I've managed to do a work-around to persist any client-side changes (e.g. shape's x & y axis movement) to the server by (1) save raddiagram's json to hidden field (2) access hidden field's json and re-build raddiagram.

A bit crude, but seems to work. Any future plans to make this control more server side? Use case would be to do server-side business rule processing after user creates a shape or connect shapes.

 some sample code below for sharing :


<telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="uxRadScriptBlock" runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function testButton_ClientClicked(sender, eventArgs) {
            var diagram = $find("<%= theDiagram.ClientID %>");
                var diagramWidget = diagram.get_kendoWidget();
                var diagramJson =;
                var hidden = document.getElementById('<%= uxHiddenField.ClientID %>');
                hidden.value = JSON.stringify(diagramJson);

<telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel ID="uxDiagramFormControlRadAjaxLoadPanel" runat="server"></telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel>
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="uxDiagramFormControlRadAjaxPanel" runat="server" LoadingPanelID="uxDiagramFormControlRadAjaxLoadPanel">
    <telerik:RadDiagram ID="theDiagram" CssClass="" runat="server" Editable="true" EnableViewState="true" ViewStateMode="Enabled">
        <%--<ClientEvents OnSelect="diagramSelect" />--%>
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="EagleShape" Type="circle" Editable="true" Selectable="true" X="10" Y="20">
                <FillSettings Color="#fca651" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Eagle" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="ZebraShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#e26c60" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Zebra" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="ButterflyShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#a84186" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Butterfly" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="PeacockShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#fca651" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Peacock" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="ElephantShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#e26c60" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Elephant" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="SpiderShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#a84186" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Spider" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="KangarooShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#fca651" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Kangaroo" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="OwlShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#e26c60" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Owl" Color="#fff" />
            <telerik:DiagramShape Id="BeeShape" Type="circle">
                <FillSettings Color="#a84186" />
                <ContentSettings Text="Bee" Color="#fff" />
    <asp:HiddenField ID="uxHiddenField" runat="server" />
    <telerik:RadButton ID="testButton" runat="server" Text="test" OnClientClicked="testButton_ClientClicked" OnClick="testButton_Click"></telerik:RadButton>


        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Position shapes in a circle
            for (var i = 0; i < theDiagram.ShapesCollection.Count; i++)
                var shape = theDiagram.ShapesCollection[i];
                shape.X = 180 * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * i / theDiagram.ShapesCollection.Count - Math.PI / 2) + 200;
                shape.Y = 180 * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * i / theDiagram.ShapesCollection.Count - Math.PI / 2) + 200;


    protected void testButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var jsonString = uxHiddenField.Value;
        var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(jsonString);
        DiagramShapesCollection diagramShapesCollection = new DiagramShapesCollection();
        foreach (var shape in results["shapes"])
            DiagramShape diagramShape = new DiagramShape();
            foreach (var connector in shape["connectors"])
                DiagramShapeConnector diagramShapeConnector = new DiagramShapeConnector();
                diagramShapeConnector.Description = connector["description"];
                diagramShapeConnector.Name = connector["name"];
                diagramShapeConnector.Position = connector["position"];
            diagramShape.ContentSettings.Align = shape["content"]["align"];
            diagramShape.ContentSettings.Color = shape["content"]["color"];
            //diagramShape.ContentSettings.Html = shape["content"]["html"];
            diagramShape.ContentSettings.Text = shape["content"]["text"] + " test ";
            diagramShape.EditableSettings.Connect = Convert.ToBoolean(shape["editable"]["connect"]);
            diagramShape.FillSettings.Color = shape["fill"]["color"];
            //diagramShape.FillSettings.Opacity = Convert.ToDouble(shape["fill"]["opacity"]);
            diagramShape.Height = Convert.ToDouble(shape["height"]);
            diagramShape.HoverSettings.FillSettings.Color = shape["hover"]["color"];
            //diagramShape.HoverSettings.FillSettings.Opacity = Convert.ToDouble(shape["hover"]["opacity"]);
            diagramShape.Id = shape["id"];
            diagramShape.MinHeight = Convert.ToDouble(shape["minHeight"]);
            diagramShape.MinWidth = Convert.ToDouble(shape["minWidth"]);
            diagramShape.Path = shape["path"];
            diagramShape.RotationSettings.Angle = Convert.ToDouble(shape["rotation"]["angle"]);
            diagramShape.Selectable = Convert.ToBoolean(shape["selectable"]);
            diagramShape.StrokeSettings.Color = shape["stroke"]["color"];
            //diagramShape.StrokeSettings.DashType = shape["stroke"]["dashType"];
            diagramShape.StrokeSettings.Width = Convert.ToDouble(shape["stroke"]["width"]);
            diagramShape.Type = shape["type"];
            //diagramShape.Visual = shape["Visual"];
            diagramShape.Width = Convert.ToDouble(shape["width"]);
            diagramShape.X = Convert.ToDouble(shape["x"]);
            diagramShape.Y = Convert.ToDouble(shape["y"]);
        foreach (var diagramShape in diagramShapesCollection)


Telerik team
answered on 12 Sep 2015, 06:55 AM
Hi Henry,

The implemented solution seems accurate to me. Indeed, it is complex and crude, although, at this moment, it is the only possible way to achieve the required functionality. 

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