On webpage load, I populate a RadComboBox with text and keys. I have a default value I assign then on server-side too.
If they click a button to clear the form, I blank out all controls, but populate defaults. I need to do it client-side, and I'm having trouble with RadComboBox. I thought I'd populate a hidden field with the RadComboBox's default text on server-side during the load, then assign that value client-side when needed. I've tried both set_text (and set_value with the hidden field holding the default value instead) but when it evaluates later, it appears either the text is right but the value isn't, or vice versa.
Do I have to track in 2 hidden fields (both default text and default value) and assign both client-side? That seems goofy, but if so, in what order should it be done? Or can I do this without tracking both the text and value default?
Example javascript code would be very welcome, assuming the hidden fields are populated... unless I should do it a completely different way.