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Setting RadHtmlChart tooltip in the code

1 Answer 287 Views
Chart (HTML5)
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Sean asked on 01 Sep 2020, 12:52 PM



I would like my tooltip not to show the x an y coordinates on my ScatterSeries, but another string (ProjectName). ProjectName is a column in my datatable that I'm using as the source.


Can you please tell me what's wrong  with the following code? It shows undefined when I hover over a plot item.

 scatterSeries.TooltipsAppearance.ClientTemplate = "#=dataItem.projectname#";


Thank you

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answered on 04 Sep 2020, 12:30 PM

Hi Sean,

The syntaxis used in the CleintTemplates of the chart is executed as JavaScript and is case sensitive. In case the data field that you want to access is named "ProjectName" (with this spacing), the spelling of the same in the client template must be:

 scatterSeries.TooltipsAppearance.ClientTemplate = "#=dataItem.ProjectName#";

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Chart (HTML5)
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