Ok, this isnt so much of a problem as more of a query as to what i've been missing with regards to the RadEditor tools...
What I want to happen is that when users focus's on the RadEditor control it will set the FontType and Font Size to defaults. it works for the fontType.. but the fontSize's text remains at "FontSize" i've seen in your example project (http://demos.telerik.com/helpdeskbeta/) when you click new it opens a RadEditor and when the focus is set it displays this behaviour...
i cannot see a way of doing this.
Here is the contents of my Tools.xml
<tools name="Main" >
<tool name="Cut" shortcut="CTRL+X"/>
<tool name="Copy" shortcut="CTRL+C"/>
<tool name="Paste" shortcut="CTRL+V"/>
<tool name="PasteFromWord" />
<tool name="PasteFromWordNoFontsNoSizes" />
<tool name="SelectAll" shortcut="CTRL+A"/>
<tool name="Undo" shortcut="CTRL+Z" />
<tool name="Redo" shortcut="CTRL+Y" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="AjaxSpellCheck" shortcut="F7" />
<tool name="FindAndReplace" shortcut="CTRL+F"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="ImageManager" shortcut="CTRL+M"/>
<tool name="AbsolutePosition" />
<tool name="ImageMapDialog"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="LinkManager" />
<tool name="Unlink" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="InsertDate" />
<tool name="InsertTime" />
<tool name="InsertSymbol" />
<tools name="Format" >
<tool name="Bold" shortcut="CTRL+B"/>
<tool name="Italic" shortcut="CTRL+I"/>
<tool name="Underline" shortcut="CTRL+U"/>
<tool name="StrikeThrough" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Superscript" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+F4" />
<tool name="Subscript" shortcut="SHIFT+F4"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="FormatBlock"/>
<tool name="FontName" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+F"/>
<tool name="FontSize" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+P"/>
<tool name="ForeColor"/>
<tool name= "BackColor"/>
<tool name= "Zoom"/>
<tools name="ParagraphAndLines" >
<tool name="InsertParagraph" />
<tool name="InsertHorizontalRule" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Outdent" />
<tool name="Indent" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="JustifyLeft" shortcut="CTRL+L"/>
<tool name="JustifyCenter" shortcut="CTRL+E"/>
<tool name="JustifyRight" shortcut="CTRL+R"/>
<tool name="JustifyFull" shortcut="CTRL+J"/>
<tool name="JustifyNone" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="InsertUnorderedList" />
<tool name="InsertOrderedList" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="ConvertToUpper" shortcut ="SHIFT+F3" />
<tool name="ConvertToLower" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+F3"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="InsertTable" />
<tool name="ToggleTableBorder" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="FormatCodeBlock" />
<tool name="InsertFormElement"/>
<tool name="InsertSnippet"/>
What I want to happen is that when users focus's on the RadEditor control it will set the FontType and Font Size to defaults. it works for the fontType.. but the fontSize's text remains at "FontSize" i've seen in your example project (http://demos.telerik.com/helpdeskbeta/) when you click new it opens a RadEditor and when the focus is set it displays this behaviour...
i cannot see a way of doing this.
Here is the contents of my Tools.xml
<tools name="Main" >
<tool name="Cut" shortcut="CTRL+X"/>
<tool name="Copy" shortcut="CTRL+C"/>
<tool name="Paste" shortcut="CTRL+V"/>
<tool name="PasteFromWord" />
<tool name="PasteFromWordNoFontsNoSizes" />
<tool name="SelectAll" shortcut="CTRL+A"/>
<tool name="Undo" shortcut="CTRL+Z" />
<tool name="Redo" shortcut="CTRL+Y" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="AjaxSpellCheck" shortcut="F7" />
<tool name="FindAndReplace" shortcut="CTRL+F"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="ImageManager" shortcut="CTRL+M"/>
<tool name="AbsolutePosition" />
<tool name="ImageMapDialog"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="LinkManager" />
<tool name="Unlink" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="InsertDate" />
<tool name="InsertTime" />
<tool name="InsertSymbol" />
<tools name="Format" >
<tool name="Bold" shortcut="CTRL+B"/>
<tool name="Italic" shortcut="CTRL+I"/>
<tool name="Underline" shortcut="CTRL+U"/>
<tool name="StrikeThrough" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Superscript" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+F4" />
<tool name="Subscript" shortcut="SHIFT+F4"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="FormatBlock"/>
<tool name="FontName" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+F"/>
<tool name="FontSize" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+P"/>
<tool name="ForeColor"/>
<tool name= "BackColor"/>
<tool name= "Zoom"/>
<tools name="ParagraphAndLines" >
<tool name="InsertParagraph" />
<tool name="InsertHorizontalRule" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Outdent" />
<tool name="Indent" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="JustifyLeft" shortcut="CTRL+L"/>
<tool name="JustifyCenter" shortcut="CTRL+E"/>
<tool name="JustifyRight" shortcut="CTRL+R"/>
<tool name="JustifyFull" shortcut="CTRL+J"/>
<tool name="JustifyNone" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="InsertUnorderedList" />
<tool name="InsertOrderedList" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="ConvertToUpper" shortcut ="SHIFT+F3" />
<tool name="ConvertToLower" shortcut ="CTRL+SHIFT+F3"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="InsertTable" />
<tool name="ToggleTableBorder" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="FormatCodeBlock" />
<tool name="InsertFormElement"/>
<tool name="InsertSnippet"/>