In my web application I'm using RadWizard in RadWindow for import personels from excel. So in first step there is a RadAsyncUpload control. When ´ActiveStepIndex==1´ saving excel to server in ´NextButtonClick´ event. And when step index is 2 inserting personels.
protected void excelImportWizard_NextButtonClick(object sender, WizardEventArgs e)
if (excelImportWizard.ActiveStepIndex == 1)
var files = excelImportAsyncUpload.UploadedFiles;
if (files.Count == 0)
e.CurrentStep.Active = true;
CurrentMaster.AlertWindow("Lütfen içeri alınacak verileri içeren dosyayı yükleyiniz.");
ExcelImportPreviewSpreadsheet.Provider = new SpreadsheetDocumentProvider(LastSavedFilePath);
if (excelImportWizard.ActiveStepIndex == 2)
Departments = OperationController.GetDepartments();
Companies = DefinitionController.GetParentCompaniesFromCompanyType(new List<
> { 2, 3, 4 });
PersonelProfessions = DefinitionController.GetAllPersonelProfessions();
PersonelTitles = OperationController.GetPersonelTitles(SessionManager.CurrentUser.ProfileIdentifier);
When importing personels finishes and user clicks finish button of radwizard I'm closing RadWindow from client side in parent window of RadWindow.
protected void excelImportWizard_FinishButtonClick(object sender, WizardEventArgs e)
RadAjaxManager.GetCurrent(Page).ResponseScripts.Add(@"" + CallBackFunctionOnFinish + "();");
But when I open RadWindow again, I see that RadWizard's active step is still last WizardStep. Because of this I set active step to 0 on finish button click.
excelImportWizard.ActiveStepIndex = 0;
After I set active step index to 0 manually I opened radwindow and see wizard waits on first step as I wanted. But when I click next button ActiveStepIndex is still 0, not changed to 1. How do I set RadWizard correctly to the initial state on RadWindow opening.