Hi there,
I have the following code to open a new window. No Skin property is set because I dont want one (just wanted a shaded background with the page to popup as is), but this code always seems to select the details skin anyway! how do i stop it from selecting a skin?
I have the following code to open a new window. No Skin property is set because I dont want one (just wanted a shaded background with the page to popup as is), but this code always seems to select the details skin anyway! how do i stop it from selecting a skin?
script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function popupUploadForm()
{ disableLeaveWarning();
var url=imageUploadForm;
var oWnd = $find("<%= radwinPopup.ClientID %>");
return false; }
<radW:RadWindowManager ID="radwinPopupMgr" runat="server" Height="550" Width="600" Modal="true" Behavior="Close"><Windows>
<radW:RadWindow ID="radwinPopup" ReloadOnShow="true" VisibleStatusBar="false" Behavior="Close" BackColor="gray" Modal="true" runat="server"/></Windows></radW:RadWindowManager>