This is all happening serverside in an ajax postback.
We are adding a new item(obeject) to our datasource, then calling grid.rebind().
Next we call this to select and set focus:
grdAsmt.MasterTableView.FindItemByKeyValue("guid", guid).Selected = true;
grdAsmt.MasterTableView.FindItemByKeyValue("guid", guid).Focus();
When the ajax event comes back the item it select, but not focused. The grid row is selected, but it is not visible and we have to manually scroll it to see it.
We are adding a new item(obeject) to our datasource, then calling grid.rebind().
Next we call this to select and set focus:
grdAsmt.MasterTableView.FindItemByKeyValue("guid", guid).Selected = true;
grdAsmt.MasterTableView.FindItemByKeyValue("guid", guid).Focus();
When the ajax event comes back the item it select, but not focused. The grid row is selected, but it is not visible and we have to manually scroll it to see it.