hi kindly help me .,in range date filter in radgrid .i made a function to make filter when the user hit enter key and its working fine .
my problem is (i made when the popup closing set focus on date input to make user hit enter to filter date )
date picker (showpoupnfoucs=true) to show popup when the user focus on the date input .
it's working fine but in IE the popup not hide after selecting date ;
here is the focus function
my problem is (i made when the popup closing set focus on date input to make user hit enter to filter date )
date picker (showpoupnfoucs=true) to show popup when the user focus on the date input .
it's working fine but in IE the popup not hide after selecting date ;
here is the focus function
function onDatePickerOnPopupClosing(sender, eventArgs) { //get the date input text box sender.get_dateInput().focus(); } why it's not working with IE otherwise works with other browser !!!!!!! i should make both (set focus when the user select date and showpoupnfoucs=true)