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Set ColumnWidth property in Javascript?

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Penny asked on 18 Nov 2008, 08:16 PM
I'm trying to control column width based on the number of resources (fewer resources = wider column width) and window width. The main problems I'm having are getting a final resource count in codebehind without hitting event handlers multiple times (I'm currently using the DataBound handler; is there a better event that fires only once to get the final resource count?), as well as passing the window width to codebehind on page load.

Is there a way to set the RadScheduler ColumnWidth property in Javascript before calling repaint()?

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Dimitar Milushev
Telerik team
answered on 20 Nov 2008, 05:49 PM
Hi Penny,

I am sorry, but it is not currently possible to set the ColumnWidth with JavaScript.

In the simplest case, the DataBound event should fire only once, but if you set properties that change the data binding parameters thus cause rebinding it may fire more than once. If you are unable to rearrange the logic of your project so that there is only one DataBound event fired, you should at least be able to save the resource count from each DataBound event and use the last one when you need it.

Dimitar Milushev
the Telerik team

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Dimitar Milushev
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