8 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Jeffrey,
As explained by Marin, RadWindow does not alter or resets the session.
Can you please provide more information :
- A live URL or a sample reproduction project
- What are the steps to reproduce the issue
- Are there any errors (JS or server ones)?
- How RadWindow is configured: does it use ContentTemplate or NavigateUrl?
- Is it possible that the session has expired and the RadWindows iframe navigates your users to the logic page?
If this is the case, you can use a RadAjaxPanel control and its API in order to achieve the desired result. These are the exact steps:- Add a RadAjaxPanel and attach a handler to its OnAjaxRequest event:
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="RadAjaxPanel1" runat="server" OnAjaxRequest="RadAjaxPanel1_AjaxRequest">
</telerik:RadAjaxPanel> - In the attached handler refresh the needed Session variables:
protected void RadAjaxPanel1_AjaxRequest(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.AjaxRequestEventArgs e) { // Refresh Session }
- Attach a JavaScript handler to the onclick client-side event handled. The target elemet is the document object. In that handler call the RadAjaxPanel ajaxRequest client-side method:
<telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="RadCodeBlock1" runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript"> function refreshSession() { var ajaxPanel = $find("<%= RadAjaxPanel1.ClientID %>"); ajaxPanel.ajaxRequest(); } Sys.Application.add_load(function() { $addHandler(document, "click", refreshSession); }); </script> </telerik:RadCodeBlock>
The provided code should be added in the page that is opened in RadWindow. The code ensures that the Session will be refreshed every time when the user clicks somewhere on the page.
- Add a RadAjaxPanel and attach a handler to its OnAjaxRequest event:
Progress Telerik
1. I set a session variable in Form1.aspx:
Session["MyExternalUsersOnly"] = DataTable
2. Here is my RadWindow that I call in Form1.aspx:
<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" EnableShadow="true">
<telerik:RadWindow ID="UserListDialog" runat="server" Title="External User Details"
Height="550px" Width="500px" Left="150px" ReloadOnShow="true" ShowContentDuringLoad="false"
AutoSize="false" BackColor="White" Modal="true" />
3. Here is the java code that gets fired on button click event on Form1.aspx to launch Form2.aspx:
function ShowDetailsForm(id, rowIndex) {
var grid = $find("<%= RadGridExternalUsers.ClientID %>");
var rowControl = grid.get_masterTableView().get_dataItems()[rowIndex].get_element();
grid.get_masterTableView().selectItem(rowControl, true);
window.radopen("Form2.aspx?Id=" + id, "UserListDialog", outerWidth = "500px", outerHeight= "500px");
return false;
4. When I close form2.aspx and try to reference Session["MyExternalUsersOnly"] in code behind on Form1.aspx
it returns null
1. I set a session variable in Form1.aspx:
Session["MyExternalUsersOnly"] = DataTable
2. Here is my RadWindow that I call in Form1.aspx:
<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" EnableShadow="true">
<telerik:RadWindow ID="UserListDialog" runat="server" Title="External User Details"
Height="550px" Width="500px" Left="150px" ReloadOnShow="true" ShowContentDuringLoad="false"
AutoSize="false" BackColor="White" Modal="true" />
3. Here is the java code that gets fired on button click event on Form1.aspx to launch Form2.aspx:
function ShowDetailsForm(id, rowIndex) {
var grid = $find("<%= RadGridExternalUsers.ClientID %>");
var rowControl = grid.get_masterTableView().get_dataItems()[rowIndex].get_element();
grid.get_masterTableView().selectItem(rowControl, true);
window.radopen("Form2.aspx?Id=" + id, "UserListDialog", outerWidth = "500px", outerHeight= "500px");
return false;
4. When I close form2.aspx and try to reference Session["MyExternalUsersOnly"] in code behind on Form1.aspx
it returns null
Hi Jeffrey,
Can you please test the same scenario with a standard iframe HTML element as explained in the General Troubleshooting article? This will show whether the problem is related to RadWindow or not (since you will be able to or not reproduce it with an iframe instead of iframe based RadWindow).
We also noticed that wrong arguments are passed to radopen. Please see this article for more information: Using radopen and GetRadWindowManager().open.
It is likely that Form2.aspx does something to reset the session variable, not the RadWindow. Or, it may be code on Form1.aspx that resets the variable, we don't know when and how they execute those snippets. To investigate this further, please open a support ticket and provide a runnable sample which demonstrates the problem.
Progress Telerik
How would I go about replacing the window.radopen call with a call using an iframe?
Hi Jeffrey,
RadWindow is based on an <iframe>, it behaves just like one – basically, whatever can be done with an <iframe>, can be achieved with RadWindow as well. This fact is useful when you investigate a reason for some problem related to the RadWindow control. Just replace the RadWindow with a standard <iframe> and see how your application will behave in this case. If the problem still exists, then it is not related to the RadWindow control but is most probably a default browser’s behavior or a problem in the used logic itself.
The content area of RadWindow is a standard iframe element, the idea of the test is to replace RadWindow with an iframe and to load the same content in it. For example load the contents of the Form2.aspx in the iframe loaded by window.open:
win.document.write('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="Form2.aspx?Id=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
Progress Telerik
Same result. The session is lost as soon as the windows object is instantiated. So it's not the radwindow..
Thank you for the update Jeff.
If the problem is generic and not related to RadWindow, it is better to post it at StackOverflow and the MS ASP.NET Forums. There might be somebody else who already experienced it and who can help.
Another option is to comment portions of the code until you find out what is causing the issue.
Best Regards,
Progress Telerik