My company has a requirement to develop a User Control that has 3 tabs, Current (shows current content with changes), Original (shows content that has all changes rejected) and Final (shows content with all changes accepted).
I tried 2 methods of achieving this.
Firstly, by using the server-side method of AcceptTrackChanges (to get content for tab Final) and RejectTrackChanges (to get content for tab Original).
However, this first method did not work as text formatting changes like Bold, Italics are not accepted.
Secondly, I tried using the workaround suggested in http://feedback.telerik.com/Project/108/Feedback/Details/88678-when-accepttrackchanges-method-is-being-used-from-the-code-behind-inline-forma
Unfortunately, that did not work either.
Is there another way to achieve what we want to do?