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SeriesClick event not fired in canvas rendering mode.

2 Answers 98 Views
Chart (HTML5)
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Naveen asked on 31 Aug 2015, 06:50 PM

I'm trying to bind to the client series clicked  event to implement a drill-down feature. The event, however, is not fired when the chart is rendered as a Canvas but works fine in SVG mode. I even tried to bind the event handler to the underlying Kendo widget but still the event is not fired in canvas mode. I want to use canvas mode so as to keep the page size small.

 Following is the structure of the chart that I used. Neither the OnClientSeriesClicked nor the ClientEvents --> OnSeriesClick work in canvas mode.

<telerik:RadHtmlChart ID="​chart" runat="server" EnableEmbeddedScripts="false"
                                    RenderMode="Lightweight" Height="350" Width="840" RenderAs="Canvas" Transitions="false" 

                                        <YAxis Type="Numeric">
                                            <TitleAppearance Text="Y" Visible="true" />
                                            <MinorGridLines Visible="false" />
                                            <MajorGridLines Visible="true" />
                                        <XAxis DataLabelsField="Category">
                                            <LabelsAppearance RotationAngle="45" Visible="false">
                                            <MinorGridLines Visible="false" />
                                            <MajorGridLines Visible="false" />
                                            <telerik:​ColumnSeries DataFieldY="Value" ColorField="Color">
                                                <LabelsAppearance Visible="false" RotationAngle="-90"></LabelsAppearance>   
                                                <TooltipsAppearance Visible="false" />
                                        <Appearance Position="Top" Visible="false" />

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Marin Bratanov
Telerik team
answered on 03 Sep 2015, 09:04 AM

Hi Naveen,

Thank you for your report. I am logging this bug for investigation and fixing and I have updated your Telerik points for bringing it to our attention. You can monitor the issue's progress in the following page:

What I can suggest for the time being is to keep using the SVG rendering to get the event. RadHtmlChart renders on the client in all cases, so the its footprint on the page size is always the same.


Marin Bratanov
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Marin Bratanov
Telerik team
answered on 03 Sep 2015, 12:45 PM

Hello again Naveen,

I am sorry for the misleading information. The fact that in Canvas mode no events are available is a design decision and it will not be changed for the time being: in canvas mode the "Interactive features are not available with the exception of shared tooltips".

If you need these events, you should use the SVG mode (or Auto, so it can adapt to VML for older browsers).


Marin Bratanov
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Chart (HTML5)
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Marin Bratanov
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