Hi, hope u all doing well,
well i have a requirment in which there is a teacher who gives its free working hours to the students and within that frame of hours lets suppose i say that i h
Master Table
PKID Tutor ID CourseID StartingDateID
1 Hassan Programming 3 Nov 2008
Detail Table
PKFKID DetailPKID StartTime End Time WeekDay
1 1 3:00 pm 4:00pm Monday
1 2 7:00 pm 8:00pm Monday
1 3 1:00 pm 2:00pm Tuesday
1 4 11:00 am 12:00pm Saturday
These are the tables, so i need to select the times on load of the schedular and make all other cells disable for week view and within that free time the student is able to save his appointments bnt a condition if the appoointment is already saved its not edited or delted by some other user