I have a Telerik RadCombobox where I need to react to the change of selected item and store the selected value.
This works the first time I access the view, however subsequent accesses on the same or another record the displayed value is always the first record in the CurrencyList
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
One idea is to get the changed value in the VM from the Model by subscribing to the OPC event and remove the SelectedItem binding.
telerik:RadComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding CurrencyList}"<
> DisplayMemberPath="Currency"<
> SelectedValuePath="CurrencyID"<
> SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedIssuance.IssuanceCurrencyID, Mode=TwoWay}"<
> IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"<
> SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedCurrency,Mode=OneWayToSource}"
This works the first time I access the view, however subsequent accesses on the same or another record the displayed value is always the first record in the CurrencyList
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
One idea is to get the changed value in the VM from the Model by subscribing to the OPC event and remove the SelectedItem binding.