When selecting a menu child I will like the parent menu to be bold. (see screenshot - Calendars should be bold). After selecting one of the calendars I would like the user to be able to tell what menu item they are on.
Menu Def (front end)
<Telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Home" AccessKey="H">
<Telerik:RadMenuItem Text="User Dashboard" ImageUrl="https://wac.edgecastcdn.net/0017BD/User_16.gif" NavigateUrl="MyProfileView.aspx?cmd=resetall" />
<Telerik:RadMenuItem Text="My User Dashboard" ImageUrl="https://wac.edgecastcdn.net/0017BD/User_16.gif" NavigateUrl="MyProfileView.aspx?cmd=resetall" />
<telerik:RadMenuItem IsSeparator="True" />
On the vacation calendar page
'Set Selected Tab
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim rMnu As Telerik.Web.UI.RadMenu
rMnu = CType(Page.Master.FindControl("FLSRadMenu"), Telerik.Web.UI.RadMenu)
If Not rMnu Is Nothing Then
rMnu.Items(5).Selected = True
End If
End If
.RadMenu_FLSMenu a.rmFocused,
.RadMenu_FLSMenu a.rmSelected
background-color: #fff;
font-weight: bold;
The backgound color is getting picked up. But not he font weight.
Menu Def (front end)
<Telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Home" AccessKey="H">
<Telerik:RadMenuItem Text="User Dashboard" ImageUrl="https://wac.edgecastcdn.net/0017BD/User_16.gif" NavigateUrl="MyProfileView.aspx?cmd=resetall" />
<Telerik:RadMenuItem Text="My User Dashboard" ImageUrl="https://wac.edgecastcdn.net/0017BD/User_16.gif" NavigateUrl="MyProfileView.aspx?cmd=resetall" />
<telerik:RadMenuItem IsSeparator="True" />
On the vacation calendar page
'Set Selected Tab
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim rMnu As Telerik.Web.UI.RadMenu
rMnu = CType(Page.Master.FindControl("FLSRadMenu"), Telerik.Web.UI.RadMenu)
If Not rMnu Is Nothing Then
rMnu.Items(5).Selected = True
End If
End If
.RadMenu_FLSMenu a.rmFocused,
.RadMenu_FLSMenu a.rmSelected
background-color: #fff;
font-weight: bold;
The backgound color is getting picked up. But not he font weight.