I have problem in mastertableview and detailtableview.When we click on the mastertable row checkbox means i want the actual output should be check all the checkbox displaying in the detail table view for that particular master row.
I have used this javascript which i mentioned below but its not working properly.
I have problem in mastertableview and detailtableview.When we click on the mastertable row checkbox means i want the actual output should be check all the checkbox displaying in the detail table view for that particular master row.
I have used this javascript which i mentioned below but its not working properly.
function MarkCheckBox(cntrl, CmdtType) {
var rgBarcodeGen = document.getElementById('<%=rgBarcodeGen.ClientID %>');
var gvRow = rgBarcodeGen.getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var i = 1; i < gvRow.length; i++) {
var gvCntrl = gvRow[i].getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var j = 0; j < gvCntrl.length; j++) {
if (gvCntrl[j].type == "checkbox") {
if (CmdtType == 'master') {
gvCntrl[j].checked = cntrl.checked;
else if (CmdtType == 'detail') {
gvCntrl[i = j].checked = cntrl.checked;