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'Security error' on RadAjax postback

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Andrew asked on 09 Sep 2010, 05:11 AM
I am receiving the following javascript error when doing a RadAjax postback:

Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Security error"  code: "1000" nsresult: "0x805303e8 (NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR)"  location: "http://localhost:2927/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ctl00_ctl00_am_sm_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_=%3b%3bSystem.Web.Extensions%2c+Version%3d4.0.0.0%2c+Culture%3dneutral%2c+PublicKeyToken%3d31bf3856ad364e35%3aen-AU%3a8f393b2b-3315-402f-b504-cd6d2db001f6%3aea597d4b%3ab25378d2%3bTelerik.Web.UI%2c+Version%3d2010.1.519.35%2c+Culture%3dneutral%2c+PublicKeyToken%3d121fae78165ba3d4%3aen-AU%3afcd44c12-f50d-4937-b05d-1aa46b5c5b3e%3a16e4e7cd%3aed16cbdc%3af7645509 Line: 1061"]

The ajax postback still works fine - but I am worried about this error.

Using Telerik 2010.1.519.35.

Do you know what it means?

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Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 14 Sep 2010, 08:48 AM
Hello Andrew,

Could you please test the application by disabling the Ajax on the page and verify if the error still persists. Also please try using regular asp UpdatePanel instead of RadAjax and let me know if this makes any difference.

All the best,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team

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Maria Ilieva
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