RadPane2 is hidden initially on my page. However, I have RadGrid1 in RadPane1, which is visible.
So when I select a row from RadGrid1, this causes the indexchanged event method to fire. RadPane2.Visible is set to True in that method and I populate the detail fields. Using the debugger, I see values going into those detail fields. Unfortunately, on my page RadPane2 does not refresh and show me those updated fields.
What am I missing? Any suggestions?
public void RadDataGrid1_IndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadGrid grid = (sender as RadGrid); if (grid != null && RadDataGrid1.SelectedIndexes.Count > 0) { int index = grid.SelectedIndexes[0].GetIntOrZeroIfError(); item = grid.Items[index];
// Detail fields lblDetail_Name.Text = item["Name"].Text;
lblDetail_Address.Text = item["Address"].Text;
RadPane2.Visible = true; } }