The EnableScreenBoundaryDetection is not working as expected.
It does seem to detect the boundary and expand to it, but if the screen is scrolled down it still expands to the page boundary, which is not visible, and therefore the top of the drop down list is not visible either.
Bottom line - if my vertical scroll bar on IE is all the way to the top then it works, if it is scrolled down then it doesn't.
I am using IE 7.
How can I keep it within the visible screen?
I have some screen shots but it doesn't look like I can include them here.
Here are the RadComboBox settings:
It does seem to detect the boundary and expand to it, but if the screen is scrolled down it still expands to the page boundary, which is not visible, and therefore the top of the drop down list is not visible either.
Bottom line - if my vertical scroll bar on IE is all the way to the top then it works, if it is scrolled down then it doesn't.
I am using IE 7.
How can I keep it within the visible screen?
I have some screen shots but it doesn't look like I can include them here.
Here are the RadComboBox settings:
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="stateListCb" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" DataTextField="StateProvinceAbbrev"
DataValueField="StateProvinceAbbrev" Skin="Hay" NoWrap="true" Width="225px" ZIndex="100000"
MarkFirstMatch="True" TabIndex="14" EnableScreenBoundaryDetection="true">