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ScheduleView Line Colours

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Kieron asked on 06 Jul 2016, 11:11 AM

I'm trying to change the line colour of the entire ScheduleView - I've got as far as changing the TimeRulerLineStyle to the desired colour and the Major/Minor Ticks and I've also changed the colour of the GroupHeader borders, but there are a few lines that still seem to take the value of the Office Black theme which I am using and I want to know what they are part of so I can change them - please see attached screenshot (red circles).

There is a blue circle on the screenshot - I would like a line joining the top of my resources to the DefinitionView bar - is this possible?

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answered on 11 Jul 2016, 08:10 AM
Hello Kieron,

First, regarding the right and bottom border, you could search for GroupHeaderBorderBrush Brush inside the ScheduleView resources and change its value.

As to the other lines - could you send us the customized GroupHeaders Styles as well as TimeRulerItems Styles as currently we're not able to recreate completely the scenario?

Thanks in advance.

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