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Scheduler with ToolTipManager

2 Answers 87 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Corey Alguire
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Rank 1
Corey Alguire asked on 19 Nov 2008, 05:18 PM
I have been using a Scheduler with a ToolTipManager to provide formatted tooltips when users hover over an appointment. I am also applying custom styles to appointments. This was all working fine until I updated to the Q3 release. Now, when the scheduler is rendered, none of the styles are applied to the appointments. I did a little digging, and I found that the html rendering for the appointments seems to be breaking.

The tooltip manager builds the tooltip in code-behind and inserts html formatting elements, then adds the text for the tooltip to the appointment's tooltip property. When this is rendered to html, I now get something that looks like the following. I am not positive this is the source of my problem, but the styles as they appear below are exactly like the sample code and worked fine until the update. Any help I can get with this would be greatly appreciated, as I am running up against a very tight release deadline.  

<div id="rsWork_2_0" title="Sondertermin heute
&lt;br />Here is some formatted text.&lt;br />&lt;br />
" class="rsApt Ereignis" style="height:50px;width:90%;left:0%;">
<div class="rsAptOut">
<div class="rsAptMid">
<div class="rsAptIn">
<div class="rsAptContent">
<div style="cursor:pointer;font-size:9px;width:100%;">
<span id="rsWork_ctl133_lblSubject" class="CalSubject">Sondertermin heute</span>
<a class="rsAptDelete" href="#">delete</a>

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Corey Alguire
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Rank 1
answered on 20 Nov 2008, 08:33 AM
Though I am still not sure exactly what the source of the problem was/is, this doesn't appear to be it. I managed to solve my issue through other means- in particular, using the BackColor property of the Appointment object during AppointmentDataBound.
Telerik team
answered on 20 Nov 2008, 04:16 PM
Hello Corey,

Yes, the rendering of RadScheduler has changed with Q3 2008. Since the help is not updated yet, I am sending you the new help topic as an attachment.

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Asked by
Corey Alguire
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Corey Alguire
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Telerik team
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