I am having an issue in the Kendo HTML 5 Scheduler. I am setting the Scheduler to Etc/UTC, which as I understand it, should display the event at the time it comes in. However, it appears to be adjusting the event to the browser timezone.
I edited the demo site to recreate this problem. Here is the code: http://trykendoui.telerik.com/URux/3
If you run this, the event shows up at your local time, even though it's set to epoch 1403229600000 which is 2:00am UTC. I'm in Mountain Time, so it shows up at 8:00pm the previous day (-6 hours UTC) in the schedule.
Now look at http://trykendoui.telerik.com/URux
The following lines have changed:
StartTimezone: null, to StartTimezone: "Etc/UTC",
EndTimezone: null, to EndTimezone: "Etc/UTC",
The event shows up correctly, however, now try and drag it to a new date. It saves to the local browser time again.
Am I doing something wrong here?
I edited the demo site to recreate this problem. Here is the code: http://trykendoui.telerik.com/URux/3
If you run this, the event shows up at your local time, even though it's set to epoch 1403229600000 which is 2:00am UTC. I'm in Mountain Time, so it shows up at 8:00pm the previous day (-6 hours UTC) in the schedule.
Now look at http://trykendoui.telerik.com/URux
The following lines have changed:
StartTimezone: null, to StartTimezone: "Etc/UTC",
EndTimezone: null, to EndTimezone: "Etc/UTC",
The event shows up correctly, however, now try and drag it to a new date. It saves to the local browser time again.
Am I doing something wrong here?