this is shanker am doing one project by using telirik controls .In my project am using Scheduler with raddock. it's fine but am face one problem in Scheduler / External Edit in RadDock .my problem is in edit mode am getting problem that is when ever am edit it's show edit values .But am again edit next one it's shows same values any time am change edit am getting same values. How to solve that please give me any solutions .it's very argent please how to fine that
this is my code
public void Getclassrefresh()
RadScheduler1.DataSource = Calendermanager.sch_view_calendar(Radcomclass.SelectedValue.GetInteger());
protected void classRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void RadScheduler1_FormCreating(object sender, SchedulerFormCreatingEventArgs e)
if (e.Mode == SchedulerFormMode.Insert || e.Mode == SchedulerFormMode.Edit)
EditedAppointmentID = e.Appointment.ID;
e.Cancel = true;
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "formScript", "Sys.Application.add_load(openForm);", true);
protected void PopulateEditForm(Appointment editedAppointment)
Appointment appointmentToEdit = RadScheduler1.PrepareToEdit(editedAppointment, RadScheduler1.EditingRecurringSeries);
//DescriptionText.Text = appointmentToEdit.Subject;
if (appointmentToEdit != null)
if (appointmentToEdit.ID != null)
StartTime.SelectedDate = RadScheduler1.UtcToDisplay(appointmentToEdit.Start);
EndTime.SelectedDate = RadScheduler1.UtcToDisplay(appointmentToEdit.End);
int s = int.Parse(appointmentToEdit.ID.ToString());
var det = Calendermanager.sch_view_calendar_popup(s);
if (det != null)
if (det.class1 != null)
formRadclass.SelectedIndex = formRadclass.Items.IndexOf(formRadclass.Items.FindItemByText(det.class1.ToString()));
if (det.subject != null)
RadComboBoxItem item1 = new RadComboBoxItem();
item1.Text = det.subject.ToString();
item1.Value = det.subject_id.ToString();
RadComboBoxItem item1 = new RadComboBoxItem();
item1.Text = det.room.ToString();
item1.Value = det.room_id.ToString();
if (det.teacher != null)
RadComboBoxItem item1 = new RadComboBoxItem();
item1.Text = det.teacher.ToString();
item1.Value = det.teacher_person_id.ToString();
if (det.session_name != null)
formRadsession.SelectedIndex = formRadclass.Items.IndexOf(formRadsession.Items.FindItemByText(det.session_name.ToString()));
Resource user = appointmentToEdit.Resources.GetResourceByType("User");
if (user != null)
//UserDropDown.SelectedValue = user.Key.ToString();
please how to solve this problem .
thanks and regrads