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Scheduler DataBind

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sahar asked on 14 Jan 2009, 11:00 AM
i am new to Rad Controls and i am working on RAd Scheduler i need to show multiple columns of my dataset to be shown in the

subject field of scheduler i want to bind them according to the rows of sceduler on row data bound i want to compose an string which will be binded to subject field of scheduler on row data bound of every row

can any one suggest me on this how to do this

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Telerik team
answered on 14 Jan 2009, 12:01 PM
Hi sahar,

You can use the approach from this online example:

You can download a sample project from here:

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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answered on 15 Jan 2009, 05:39 AM
Peter thanks a lot for your prompt response i will look in to it ,hopefully i will get a success :) inshALLAh.God bless you
thanks again
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answered on 15 Jan 2009, 12:51 PM


i looked in tot he smaple project and also checked the online example

but i dont want to get data form an xml file i am doing all the bindings of a datasource at back end for scheduler as well as for a resource , how can i bind Values in a subject field if the provider is not an xml provide

im my case i am using  datatable to fill al the records and then binding this to  Scheduler

in examples it was written like



protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentDataBound(object sender, SchedulerEventArgs e)



e.Appointment.Subject = e.Appointment.Subject +

": " + e.Appointment.Attributes["Description"];



in case of using datatable as source  for  binding what wud be this value  e.Appointment.Attributes["Description]


Telerik team
answered on 15 Jan 2009, 02:18 PM

The datasource type is irrelevant to this implementation. You can use any other datasource such as SqlDataSource or AccessDataSource with the same success. The first demo from the kb article is zipped as and it shows one instance of RadScheduler which is bound to an SqlDataSource.  The important difference between the two types of data sources is that selecting multiple resources of the same type is only possible via a custom provider

Let me know if you encounter any difficulties.

the Telerik team

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answered on 20 Jan 2009, 06:41 AM
Hi peter
the way you helped me was great , i m now getting all  the data tohrugh sql data source and can edit as well
can you please tell me how can i do this with object datasource control , i have already seen the example provided in telerik help in which data binded to object data source but all the work was sessions based i want to insert update and delete thorugh it can you provide mie some example
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