I am in the process of upgrading to Telerik_UI_for_ASP.NET_AJAX_2020_1_114_Dev
I am having an issue getting the proper save and cancel button to appear on the RadEditor Ribbon bar when the rendermode is Lightweight.
I am following the instructions on this page
If you are using Lightweight rendering mode the Save and Cancel button will be not styled with the default icons. You will need to decorate them additionally by using these CSS rules:
<style type="text/css">
.reTool.reCancel:before {
However the wrong images are appearing.
The attached image show what appears to be the Underline button as save and a button with a "W" on it as cancel.
Can I get the correct values for the buttons? Or is there a place I can look them up?
When the rendermode is classic, then normal save and cancel buttons appear.