First of all sorry if this question is already answered or it is very dummy.
I was using several RadTabControls in my application, but I've reached a point that I need to use a view model istead of a RadTabItem and create them in codebehind on certain conditions for one of the RadTabCotrols.
There is other function that does run through every RadTabControl retrieving all the RadTabItems by looking at the Item property. But it happens that one of my RadTabControls has a custom viewModel, so the cast to RadTabItem fails.
I suppose that it is very logical to get the ViewModel from Items property when you have defined to have a viewmodel and want to run over all items, but I wonder if there is a generic way (accessor, list) of getting just the RadTabItem control that wraps the custom viewmodel and use the same method of running through all RadTabItems for all RadTabControls.
Thanks in advance.