Instructions for setting-up a NuGet private feed on your development machine are given at The following instructions allow you to do the same when running MSBuild on a Build machine such as hosted by Azure.
- Add NuGet.config to WebApp project in
Visual Studio
- Add new
item NuGet.config to same directory as project.json and edit as below, setting your own username and password (in clear text) as needed to logon to the Telerik site:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="Telerik" value="" />
<add key="Username" value="will.***@****.com" />
<add key="ClearTextPassword" value="********" />
- Add new
item NuGet.config to same directory as project.json and edit as below, setting your own username and password (in clear text) as needed to logon to the Telerik site:
- Edit Build Definition to add step for NuGet installer - In Visual Studio a) select Team Explorer, Builds b) select Build Definition, right click | Edit Build Definition. This opens the Build Definition in your browser - see attached screen shot
- In Build Definition editor add build step = Nuget Installer, drag/drop to top of list and specify the solution file as well as the NugGet.config
- Save
- Save your changes to source control for the WebApp in Visual Studio - i.e. the Build Definition and NuGet.config
- Queue a New Build
I hope this saves someone a bit of time.