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Rotator Buttons Issue

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robertw102 asked on 20 Mar 2009, 04:44 PM
I'm using the Rotator control and I have the RotatorType set to "Buttons", so that the user has to click the button to scroll the images. The problem I have with this is that it doesn't scroll like the "ButtonsOver" setting.

For example, I display 5 images at a time, when I have ButtonsOver set, the rotator scrolls by 1 image at a time, but when I have Buttons set, it scrolls by 5 images at a time.

I'm assuming this is what you guys wanted the Buttons type to do, but I like the Buttons type and wanted it to work like ButtonsOver. I think there should some sort of "Step" property, like the calendar navigation, that would force the Buttons rotator type to move by 1 image at a time when the button is clicked.

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Telerik team
answered on 23 Mar 2009, 09:08 AM
Hi Robertw102,

In "Buttons" mode the RadRotator control rotates the items showed in its view port and this behavior cannot be overridden. We will consider your suggestion for the future releases of the control.
For the time being you can use the RadRotator control in "FromCode" mode and implement the desired functionality. For your convenience I attached a simple demo that shows how to do this - I hope this helps.

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