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Ribbon TableStylesGallery memory leak

2 Answers 123 Views
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Remus asked on 01 Mar 2021, 10:53 AM

I am having problems with memory leaks because of the TableStylesGallery from the ribbon. Every time I open an window with a Ribbon and Rad Rich Document the memory consumption keeps growing. If I comment the TableStylesGallery code the memory leak goes away. The problem is that I need to have the table styles in the ribbon and can't remove them. Any idea on how to fix this problem?

I have also attached a sample program that reproduces the leak. Just press the Create Copy button and then close the window multiple times and see how the memory consumption increases. (The project is in an archive I don't know if it will let me upload it)

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answered on 01 Mar 2021, 10:56 AM
I couldn't upload the project. Also it seams that I have created the same thread twice, can you delete the duplicate? 
Ivan Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 03 Mar 2021, 09:26 PM

Hi Remus,

Our public forums are limited only to image attachments. In order to send us a sample project, you can open a priority ticket, which supports archive attachments up to 20 MB. As soon as we make some progress on the support ticket, I can publish the resolution to the forum thread, so that it can benefit the community. As for handling the duplicate thread, I will see to it.

Ivan Ivanov
Progress Telerik

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Ivan Ivanov
Telerik team
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