We have a RadGrid which storing the persistence settings into a database. When we change the group, for example grouping on a column, the information is saved into the database, if we navigate away and back this state is restored, perfect.
If we deleted the grouping (or filter) on the database and so return it to it's default state, the application hangs and the IIS worker process maxs out.
We have tried using the file storage method and get the same result. Anything but non-default grid layouts are stored and retrieved perfectly, return back to default cause the application to hang on retrival of the settings.
<telerik:RadPersistenceManager ID="RadPersistenceManagerHome" runat="server">
<telerik:PersistenceSetting ControlID="TaskListGrid" />
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//RadPersistenceManager RadPersistenceManagerMain = (RadPersistenceManager)Master.FindControl("RadPersistenceManagerMain");
if (IsPostBack)
if (Session["UserID"] != null)
//RadPersistenceManagerMain.StorageProviderKey = Convert.ToString(Session["UserID"])+"-Home";
RadPersistenceManagerHome.StorageProviderKey = Convert.ToString(Session["UserID"]) + "-Home";
else if (!IsPostBack)
//RadPersistenceManagerMain.StorageProviderKey = Convert.ToString(Session["UserID"])+"-Home";
RadPersistenceManagerHome.StorageProviderKey = Convert.ToString(Session["UserID"]) + "-Home";
catch (Exception ex)