Hello all,
I have a common scenario, but i could not implement in a cleaner way.
I have web page which contains a treeview and 2 grid.On clicking each node in tree view shows two grids on right hand side of the treeview populated with values related to the clicked node in treeview. Now on right clicking the node in tree view and selecting a context menu item will open a new rad window for me.
In the rad window the user will make update/insert/delete operations against database. The user can close this rad window in two ways - one is clicking the 'close' button in rad window
-second is clicking the 'X' button on top right corner of rad window.
what i need to do is 'onclientclose' of radwindow, i need to read the arguments that are passed from radwindow and depending on those passed arguments, i have to refresh the treeview as well as the two grids on the parent page. I'm able to achieve this when user clicks 'close' button on radwindow, but when user clicks the 'X' i cannot get the arguments passed back from rad window to parent page. Could anybody please help me in this case?
when user clicks close button on rad window, this is how i'm closing rad window and passing back arguments
var oArg = new Object();
oArg.ReloadGrids = true;
oArg.ReloadTreeView= false;
and on client close this is how i read arguments passed from rad window
RadWindow_OnClientClose(oRadWind, args) {
//get the transfered arguments
var arg = args.get_argument();
Please let me know if you guys need some more info..