Hi everybody !
I have got a problem with my rad grid :
I have 15 columns and my screen resolution allow me to see just 7 columns, after what i can use the automatic windows's scroll for see the others. My contener have at this instant a certain width...
When i allow a scroll of my grid, with a width for it, i have effectively the scroll in my grid, but the width of the contener is always the same ! So i have a big white at the right of my grid ! And the windows's scroll is of course here too !
Have you some idea about this strange ?
I have got a problem with my rad grid :
I have 15 columns and my screen resolution allow me to see just 7 columns, after what i can use the automatic windows's scroll for see the others. My contener have at this instant a certain width...
When i allow a scroll of my grid, with a width for it, i have effectively the scroll in my grid, but the width of the contener is always the same ! So i have a big white at the right of my grid ! And the windows's scroll is of course here too !
Have you some idea about this strange ?