Reportviewer print command error on 2nd print

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Report Viewer - Blazor
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fakhrun asked on 16 Feb 2024, 04:15 AM



Situation :

We have a list of cheques where a user can select (more that one) and using reportviewer to print it by pressing a print button (please refer to attach image)


Problem :

On first print activitiy, printing is success, but if the user need to re-print or select another cheques from the list and press the print button, an error "Report instance with ID 'null' not found" will occur.

Need some advise to fixed or a workaround.

Thanks in advance.

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Telerik team
answered on 20 Feb 2024, 02:48 PM

Hello Fakhrun,

I tested this in our built-in Blazor integration demo but was unable to reproduce the same behavior.

I encountered a different error where the print command would fail sometimes but this was caused by the command being executed too soon after changing the report source of the viewer.

I was able to work around this by taking advantage of the viewer's events.

Still, I doubt that this is the source of the issue you described. Can you share your project so that I can troubleshoot it locally? Alternatively, you can reproduce the issue in our built-in Blazor integration demo and share it instead.

By default, the integration demos are located in the following directory.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting <VERSION>\Examples\CSharp

Kind Regards,
Progress Telerik

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Report Viewer - Blazor
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