Reporting client side (Blazor web assembly)

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Report Viewer - Blazor
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Louis asked on 14 Jul 2023, 09:22 PM


I dont see any example using report with blazor webasm.  It's possible using report with viewer on blazor page client side and get data to a API (server side).

Cannot see any example in the examples reports folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting R2 2023\Examples\CSharp)

Thanks about any information related to this.

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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
answered on 18 Jul 2023, 04:33 PM

Hi Louis,

You can visit the Blazor Native demo for reference, that is how you'd use the Blazor ReportViewer in a WASM scenario.

  • The project folder is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting R2 2023\Examples\CSharp\.NET 7\BlazorNativeIntegrationDemo
  • The solution file is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting R2 2023\Examples\CSharp\CSharp.BlazorNativeExample.VS2022.sln

The main difference is you're referencing the native ReportViewer and what you've already discovered here (in your other forum conversation) =>

To your other question about using APIs and server-side communications, this is really no different than a normal Blazor app. You are essentially using an HTML5-compatible browser that's running your WASM app. So any code you have that talks to REST APIs over HTTP works the same, with the exception that you don't have the capability of multiple background tasks making simultaneous requests.

Tip: If you run into trouble with building your project, you can ask the Reporting team by opening a Support Ticket. Just be sure to include any error messages, and the project's code so that we can investigate directly in a specific situation that isn't fit for public forums.

Lance | Manager Technical Support
Progress Telerik

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Report Viewer - Blazor
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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
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