As I'm working with it more intensely, I'm getting the impression that ReportViewer is "the orphan nephew living in the cupboard under the stairs". It appears to work very differently from the other components. Data binding just doesn't seem to work as it should. For example, the ReportViewer works very differently from the RadGridView. In RadGridView there is an "ItemsSource" property that can be bound to a property in the ViewModel. However, in ReportViewer there doesn't appear to be anything similar. The only thing I've found in the examples is a binding to the "ReportSource", but that's a fundamentally different thing. The "ReportSource" is like the template, which, if we continue the comparison, is like the "RadGridView.Columns". In my opinion, there really needs to be a good way to bind to the DATA. It looks like the intent is there, since a report can be built with an "Object Data Source", but I've found no way to bind that to dynamic data in the ViewModel, per se.
Please tell me I'm wrong and point me to an example where the "ReportSource" is configured declaratively in the ReportViewer, but the data comes directly (and simply) from the ViewModel.