Report Service in .NET Aspire

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.NET Core Rest Service
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Bill asked on 04 Apr 2024, 01:47 PM
Are there any examples of integrating the reporting web service in .NET Aspire? .NET Core 8 minimal api works fine in this framework but your reporting service project makes mvc api controllers.

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answered on 09 Apr 2024, 08:50 AM

Hello Bill,

Indeed, the Reporting REST Service's API is controller-based. To implement it in the project, a controller class that inherits from the ReportsControllerBase class must be added and then the application should map the controller.

I am not too familiar with .NET Aspire application but if they can only work with minimal APIs, then the Reporting REST Service would not be implementable there. With that being said, it should still be possible to use the web report viewers by hosting the service in another project.

The ReportProcessor class should also be usable in the service project so it will be possible to render reports and return them as documents to the web application - Generating Reports Programmatically - Telerik Reporting. For example, you may create an endpoint in the minimal API service project that returns a report rendered into PDF and displays it in the Blazor web project via a PDF viewer - Blazor PDF Viewer Demos - Overview | Telerik UI for Blazor.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. 

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.NET Core Rest Service
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