report header vs page header

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Grouping Report Designer (standalone)
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dave asked on 30 May 2023, 08:00 PM

I have read regarding report headers and footers..  ("the report header will be rendered once at the top of the entre report and after the first page header section (if any)")

This is totally counter intuitive! I want a report header to appear once at the beginning of my report and then a page header to appear UNDER the report header and then again at the top of each subsequent page. Is this doable?

It seems backwards to me.




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answered on 02 Jun 2023, 11:14 AM

Hello Dave,

You could achieve the behavior you described by suppressing the page header on the first page and copying its contents at the bottom of the report header. To suppress the page header on the first page, you can set its PrintOnFirstPage property to False.

Note that if any Page Functionsare used, they will not work in the report header section. If having the page functions is a must, you could copy the contents of the page header section to the page footer section instead and display the page footer only on the first page.

And last but not least, if you need the page footer section to display different data and cannot afford to display it only on the first page, you can do the following.

1. Add two Panel items in the page footer section and distribute the contents you want visible only on the first page in one of the panels, and the rest in the other.

2. Use Bindings to hide the different panels based on the page number in a manner similar to the one described in the Displaying the Page Header on Only the First Page KB article.

3. Add a binding to the page footer section that shrinks the height of the footer in order to compensate for the panel you have hidden. See the third point in the Page Header section, for reference.

I hope this helps.

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commented on 19 Jun 2023, 12:44 PM | edited

sorry for the delay momchil. i got sidetracked on another project. i'll be trying this out this week and will report back. thank you for  your response!

Grouping Report Designer (standalone)
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