Hi all!
I´m trying to build an application that will load usercontrols dynamically. Each new user control loaded should replace the previous one on the main page.
So, the main page have a Panel that will be used as a container for all dynamically loaded webcontrols. When this page is loaded for the first time, it will check the previous loaded user control and will reload this just like happens on the "Load user controls" example provided. The only diference is that the controls is recreated just after loading ViewState data, on a overrided LoadViewState method.
Firstly, the WebUserControl1 is loaded. There is two buttons on it. The first, just check if the RadLoadingPanel is working. The second when pressed, dispatch a event that will be intercepted by the main webpage. Then, the webpage will clear the container panel and will load the WebUserControl2. We can see the RadLoadingPanel poping up just after pressing the 2nd button but, when the process finishs, the WebUserControl1 is still visible while WebUserControl2 doesn´t .
If I disable AJAX, everything works as expected.
Am I doing something wrong?
Attached to this there is a simple example that you could use to reproduce the problem,
Thanks a lot!
I´m trying to build an application that will load usercontrols dynamically. Each new user control loaded should replace the previous one on the main page.
So, the main page have a Panel that will be used as a container for all dynamically loaded webcontrols. When this page is loaded for the first time, it will check the previous loaded user control and will reload this just like happens on the "Load user controls" example provided. The only diference is that the controls is recreated just after loading ViewState data, on a overrided LoadViewState method.
Firstly, the WebUserControl1 is loaded. There is two buttons on it. The first, just check if the RadLoadingPanel is working. The second when pressed, dispatch a event that will be intercepted by the main webpage. Then, the webpage will clear the container panel and will load the WebUserControl2. We can see the RadLoadingPanel poping up just after pressing the 2nd button but, when the process finishs, the WebUserControl1 is still visible while WebUserControl2 doesn´t .
If I disable AJAX, everything works as expected.
Am I doing something wrong?
Attached to this there is a simple example that you could use to reproduce the problem,
Thanks a lot!