We have a scenario where we need to render the report in multiple worksheets(sheets) within a excel (xlsx) file. We are successful in generating such report when rendered through the desktop client and also in Report Viewer, but when trying to generate the file using Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor.RenderReport() method, the data is not splitted in to two sheets. Everything is rendered in single sheet.
The way I am rendering the report is simple -
var reportProcessor = new Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor();
var manager = new ReportConnectionStringManager(connectionString);
ReportSource reportSource = manager.UpdateReportSource(uriReportSource);
var result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("XLSX", reportSource, null);
and in the report design, we are using SplitWorksheetOnPageBreak property.
Please help us in achieving what we want. Is there any other way to render the report.