I have a ticket on this, but I was wondering if anyone ever had this? I have one page that is throwing a bunch of render errors (asp.net dotnet 2.0)
"there was an error rendering the control. Check to make sure all properties are valid. Exception was: system.web.httpexception(0x80004005) Multiple controls with the same ID 'xchkDesignRental' were found. Findcontrol requires that the controls have unique ID's."
This is making me crazy. The controls are uniquely named, here and in the designer.vb. note I changed the name, and the pickers just show some other control name as the problem. If I remove the shared element, they work in design mode. They run properly even when they don’t render right. below is a screenshot, followed by the definition. I have tried replacing them to no avail. My next step is to delete every control one after another to see if that helps.
"there was an error rendering the control. Check to make sure all properties are valid. Exception was: system.web.httpexception(0x80004005) Multiple controls with the same ID 'xchkDesignRental' were found. Findcontrol requires that the controls have unique ID's."
This is making me crazy. The controls are uniquely named, here and in the designer.vb. note I changed the name, and the pickers just show some other control name as the problem. If I remove the shared element, they work in design mode. They run properly even when they don’t render right. below is a screenshot, followed by the definition. I have tried replacing them to no avail. My next step is to delete every control one after another to see if that helps.
<div style="display: none">
<telerik:RadCalendar ID="calShared" runat="server">