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remove span and classes

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Pato asked on 21 Feb 2017, 09:09 PM

to be able to get the desired menu for my css, i need the following output of menu:

01.<ul id="leftMenu" data-role="menu" class="k-widget k-reset k-header k-menu k-menu-horizontal" tabindex="0" role="menubar"style="display: block;">
02.    <li id="HeaderMain" style="display: inline-block;" class="k-item k-state-default k-first selectedMenu" role="menuitem">
03.        <div class="mnuLiCont">
04.            <div class="mnuHomeIcon"></div>
05.            <div class="mnuTxt">Home</div>
06.        </div>
07.    </li>
08.    <li id="HeaderDashBoard" style="display: inline-block;" class="k-item k-state-default" role="menuitem">
09.        <div class="mnuLiCont">
10.            <div class="mnuDashBoardIcon"></div>
11.            <div class="mnuTxt">Dashboard</div>
12.        </div>
13.    </li>


This is the code im doing to be able to create this menu:

02.          .Name("leftMenu")
03.          .Items(items =>
04.          {
05.              items.Add().HtmlAttributes(new { @id = "HeaderMain" , @class = "selectedMenu",@style = "display: inline-block;"});
06.              items.Add().HtmlAttributes(new { @id = "HeaderDashboard", @style = "display: inline-block;" });
07.              items.Add().HtmlAttributes(new { @id = "HeaderExtra", @style = "display: none;" });
08.          })
09.          .HtmlAttributes(new {@style = "display: block"})
11.        )


2.        .ready(function () {
3.            $("#HeaderMain").append("<div class='mnuLiCont'><div class='mnuHomeIcon'></div><div class='mnuTxt'>Home</div></div>");
4.            $("#HeaderDashboard").append("<div class='mnuLiCont'><div class='mnuDashBoardIcon'></div><div class='mnuTxt'>Dashboard</div></div>");
7.        });


And in the next code you can see the undesired SPAN in each menu item, which i need to get rid of.


01.<ul id="leftMenu" data-role="menu" class="k-widget k-reset k-header k-menu k-menu-horizontal" tabindex="0" e="menubar"style="display: block;">
02.    <li id="HeaderMain" style="display: inline-block;" class="k-item k-state-default k-first selectedMenu" role="menuitem">
03.        <span class="k-link"></span>
04.        <div class="mnuLiCont">
05.            <div class="mnuHomeIcon"></div>
06.            <div class="mnuTxt">Home</div>
07.        </div>
08.    </li>
09.    <li id="HeaderDashBoard" style="display: inline-block;" class="k-item k-state-default" role="menuitem">
10.        <span class="k-link"></span>
11.        <div class="mnuLiCont">
12.            <div class="mnuDashBoardIcon"></div>
13.            <div class="mnuTxt">Dashboard</div>
14.        </div>
15.    </li>


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Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 22 Feb 2017, 09:22 AM
Hello Pato,

This is a second identical thread opened with the same subject, but this one's product (RadMenu for ASP.NET AJAX) is incorrect. I am switching the product to Menu for ASP.NET MVC and closing the thread. If you have more  questions on this matter you can post them in the other forum thread or in the support ticket you opened.

Ivan Danchev
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