I imagine that that title has a couple of you almost automatically reaching for your keyboards to type a reply.
Read on.
I have a control that, under certain conditions, needs to open a window to collect additional info from the user. Lets call the control the "SettingsControl" and the window that it opens the "AdvancedWindow".
The SettingsControl will be deployed in any number of pages which, themselves are displayed in a RadWindow. Let's call these the "CallingPages" and the underlying aspx page that drives it all, the "TopLevelPage"
My CallingPages directly manipulate controls on (and handle events from) the AdvancedWindow which is defined inside the SettingsControl using a ContentTemplate.
My problem is that when I open the AdvancedWindow it is limited in dimensions to the window containing the SettingsControl.
Now, normally, my AdvancedWindow would be defined using a completely separate aspx page and the window would be opened by having it registered with the WindowManager on the TopLevelPage. Clearly, in this specific case I can't.
What I need to be able to do is something like this...
1. When the CallingPage opens it has a reference to the RadWindowManager that opened it.
2. The CallingPage notifies the SettingsControl and it, in turn, registers the AdvancedWindow with the RadWindowManager from the previous step so that, when called, it has the entire browser window to wander about in.
I can get a reference to the RadWindowManager that opens a RadWindow but only client-side. Because I can't 'see' the active window manager I can't add my AdvanceWindow to its 'Windows' collection and there is no method for doing this client-side.
So, questions:
Read on.
I have a control that, under certain conditions, needs to open a window to collect additional info from the user. Lets call the control the "SettingsControl" and the window that it opens the "AdvancedWindow".
The SettingsControl will be deployed in any number of pages which, themselves are displayed in a RadWindow. Let's call these the "CallingPages" and the underlying aspx page that drives it all, the "TopLevelPage"
My CallingPages directly manipulate controls on (and handle events from) the AdvancedWindow which is defined inside the SettingsControl using a ContentTemplate.
My problem is that when I open the AdvancedWindow it is limited in dimensions to the window containing the SettingsControl.
Now, normally, my AdvancedWindow would be defined using a completely separate aspx page and the window would be opened by having it registered with the WindowManager on the TopLevelPage. Clearly, in this specific case I can't.
What I need to be able to do is something like this...
1. When the CallingPage opens it has a reference to the RadWindowManager that opened it.
2. The CallingPage notifies the SettingsControl and it, in turn, registers the AdvancedWindow with the RadWindowManager from the previous step so that, when called, it has the entire browser window to wander about in.
I can get a reference to the RadWindowManager that opens a RadWindow but only client-side. Because I can't 'see' the active window manager I can't add my AdvanceWindow to its 'Windows' collection and there is no method for doing this client-side.
So, questions:
- Is it p[ossible to do what I'm aiming for?
- If not, is there a reasonable alternative method?
It is important that my CallingPages can both get/set properties in the AdvancedWindow (which I could do with QueryString parameters and return arguments) and respond to events from controls in the AdvancedWindow. As an example,. the AdvancedWindow contains a RadListView and I need the CallingPages to handle the OnNeedDataSource event.
I'd be grateful for any help/suggestions.