I have a problem with refreshing scheduler after update/insert operation. It looks that RadScheduler doesnt rebind data from datasource but after update/insert adds new/existing item to appointments collections. Becouse I have some filters on page this is not good for me (sometimes user creates appointments that shouldn't be visible). I tried to use Rebind method on radscheduler in sqldatasource OnUpdate/OnInsert but this doesnt help. How to correctly rebind grid?
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
If I understand correctly, you are inserting records directly in the database and then you are trying to rebind the RadScheduler instance with the new data. Is this correct?
Calling Rebind in OnUpdated/OnInserted should work. Are you sure that you are not doing in the OnUpdating/OnInserting event handlers?
If you can send us a simple page that demonstrates the issue, we will be able to debug it much faster.
All the best,
Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team
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Hi Telerik,
I am having exactly the same problem - trying to re-populate scheduler with the data after update.
Inside the RadScheduler1_AppointmentUpdate event (i am writing in vb.net) i collect data from the modified fields and store it in the database. I fire RadScheduler1.Rebind() right after I insert data but it looks like scheduler just refreshes itself after the update event is done.
In order to see the changes i have to do another postback.
Could you please help...
How exactly do you implement this? Can you open a support ticket and send us a small sample of the problem?
the Telerik team
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I thought that since I am using my own data provider I have to just get the values from the modified fields, save them into the db and rebind the scheduler. But the way to do it - at list the only way I've found - is to do all of the above and update the selected appointment in the appointment collection with modified data, rebind the scheduler and then re-populate it with data from db
However, I only partially made it to work - partially because this approach will not work for recurrent appointment...
Here is the code:
Sub RadScheduler1_AppointmentUpdate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.AppointmentUpdateEventArgs) Handles RadScheduler1.AppointmentUpdate
Dim ce As New AppointmentInfo
Dim app As Appointment = RadScheduler1.Appointments.FindByID(e.Appointment.ID)
ce.EventID = e.Appointment.ID
If e.Appointment.RecurrenceRule <> e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceRule Then
app.RecurrenceRule = e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceRule
ce.RecurrenceRule = e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceRule
End If
If e.Appointment.RecurrenceParentID <> e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceParentID Then
app.RecurrenceParentID = e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceParentID
ce.RecurrenceParentID = e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceParentID
End If
If e.Appointment.RecurrenceState <> e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceState Then
app.RecurrenceState = e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceState
ce.RecurrenceState = e.ModifiedAppointment.RecurrenceState
End If
If e.Appointment.Subject <> e.ModifiedAppointment.Subject Then
app.Subject = e.ModifiedAppointment.Subject
ce.Title = e.ModifiedAppointment.Subject
ce.Title = e.Appointment.Subject
End If
If e.Appointment.Start <> e.ModifiedAppointment.Start Then
app.Start = e.ModifiedAppointment.Start
ce.StartDate = e.ModifiedAppointment.Start
ce.StartDate = e.Appointment.Start
End If
If e.Appointment.End <> e.ModifiedAppointment.End Then
app.End = e.ModifiedAppointment.End
ce.EndDate = e.ModifiedAppointment.End
ce.EndDate = e.Appointment.End
End If
ce.CreatedBy = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
If EventTypeID <> e.ModifiedAppointment.Resources.GetResourceByType("Event Type").Key.ToString Then
ce.EventTypeID = e.ModifiedAppointment.Resources.GetResourceByType(
"Event Type").Key.ToString
ce.EventTypeID = EventTypeID
End If
If EventCssID <> e.ModifiedAppointment.Resources.GetResourceByType("Event Label").Key.ToString Then
ce.EventCSS = e.ModifiedAppointment.Resources.GetResourceByType(
"Event Label").Key.ToString
ce.EventCSS = EventCssID
End If
Dim iReturn As Integer
iReturn = DataAccess.UpdateSchedulerEvent(ce)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim ErrorHandling As New Services.HSOExceptionService.EmailProvider
ErrorHandling.EmailApplicationError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.InnerException.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Sub RePopulateSchedulerEvents()
RadScheduler1.DataSource = DataAccess.GetSchedulerEvents2(WebPartID, RadScheduler1.VisibleRangeStart, RadScheduler1.VisibleRangeEnd)
End Sub
Please let me know if this is the only solution.

I am wondering if somebody could reply to my question in the previous post?
Please, open a support ticket and send us a working sample which demonstrates the problem. We will test it locally and try to resolve the issue.
the Telerik team
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