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Real font size drop down showing pixels

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skysailor asked on 15 Jan 2009, 06:35 AM
In the latest version of the RadEditor the "Real Font Size" tool drop-down shows a list of pixel based sizes. It used to show point based sizes - e.g. 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, etc. Now it shows 8px, 10px, etc.
Is this a deliberate change?

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Nikolay Raykov
Telerik team
answered on 19 Jan 2009, 12:06 PM
Hello Clayton,

The pixel measurement unit is the most commonly used on the web and due to a lot of user requests we decided to use "px" instead of "pt". Most of the end users find it easier to work with pixels than points as well.

This change is dictated by the fact that we want to make RadEditor as much user friendly as possible.

All the best,
Nikolay Raykov
the Telerik team

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Nikolay Raykov
Telerik team
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