I am building a custom pager (and custom templates) -- and I would like to re-use the images that Telerik includes.
I would like for the images that I use to "obey" the skin that has been set (i.e. the images in the pager should follow the skin that has been set for the RadGrid).
I think I have a way to do that -- but it is really cumbersome. Basically in the CustomPager I use the GridTableView that is passed in to get the OwnerGrid -- and from that the skin.
Then I use
URL = gridTableView.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(RadGrid),
"Telerik.Web.UI.Skins." + skinName + ".Grid.SortAsc.gif");
to get the URL to the icon.
That seems like a lot of work -- is there a better way?
P.S. I am doing all this in code b/c working in SharePoint.