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Radwindow / RadMultiPage not scrolling properly

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Graham asked on 19 Mar 2009, 06:12 PM

I have a radwindow of fixed size which contains another ASPX page. This other ASPX page has a radTabStrip and a RadMultiPage set to 100% width but with no height set.

The height of the content/multipage on the ASPX page varies depending on which tab is selected.

If I open the ASPX page it in the window, then the RadWindow does not scroll properly vertically - the RadMultipage content in the ASPX page "below" the scroll bar is chopped off and does not display at all.

Likewise, if I just open the ASPX page in the browser (i.e. not in the Radwindow) and reduce the browser window size, then content is also chopped off during scrolling.

Is this a bug and how do I fix it?

I am using 2008 Q3 and do not have the AutoSize property on the RadWindow



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Telerik team
answered on 20 Mar 2009, 01:39 PM
Hi Graham,

I am not quite sure if I understand you correctly. In general, if the content page has larger width or height than the window's size ( RadWindow or standard browser window) then the scrollbars appear. This behavior is the expected one in this case.
If your scenario or requirement are different then above described, could you please rework the attached project in order to replicate your setup? Once ready, please open a new support ticket and send it back. I will modified it according to your requirements.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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