hello Telerik,
I'm trying to use RadWindow AS user control
I'm having a problem with RadWIndow's Show() method.
I was going over your 'Use RadWindow as User Control' explanation and there is a part where is says :
RadWindowControl window = new RadWindowControl();
in my code, the way that my RadWIndow (CapabilityLayer) created is from ResourseDictionary:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type localVM:CapabilityViewModel}">
I'm only using "new" in order to create CapabilityViewModel but CapabilityLayer is automatically created, this is why I dont know where to invoke the Show() method I dont have instance to CapabilityLayer.xaml .
at the moment no errors or exceptions it just that the window is not shown
I tried to invoke Show() in the RadWindow's OnLoad event but it still no show.
I tried to find the radwindow through Application.Current.Windows but I didnt find it there.
where is the right place to put this method ? I saw that some time it is recommended to use ShowDIalog() what is the different? Show() is where RadWindow create or it is only some kind of visibility set?
thank you