Utilizing: ASP.Net AJAX Q3 2014
I'm opening windows, containing an aspx page, with various controls (combo, text, numeric, datepicker, etc.). The RadWindowManager is set to KeepInScreenBounds="true" and RestrictionZoneID="ContentPane". When running it on my Windows 7 desktop, it works great. When running it on my Windows 8.1 Windows Surface Pro 3, the page controls lose focus after I click in the text entry box. It then refreshes the window and doesn't allow me to change the value in the text box. If I click on a RadComboBox, it fires the query and displays the dropdown; but, when I click on the text box to change the combobox value, it doesn't allow me to change the value in the text box.. This only applies to pages that are contained in a RadWindow, when running on a Windows Surface. The problem might be specific to Windows 8.1; but, I don't have another 8.1 machine to test it. Other aspx page controls work fine. If I take the problem page and run it as a stand-alone page, without RadWindow, it works fine. If I remove the RestrictionZoneID property from the RadWindowManager, the controls no longer lose focus; but, of course, I lose the ability to KeepInScreenBounds. By the way, I get the same result whether I use the fancy RadWindow properties (below), or not. In other words, if I just use ... <telerik:RadWindow ID="AssetCreateDialog" runat="server">, I get the same result.
<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager2" runat="server" EnableShadow="true" Style="z-index: 12345" KeepInScreenBounds="true" RestrictionZoneID="ContentPane">
<telerik:RadWindow ID="AssetCreateDialog" runat="server" Title="Create Asset" Height="650px" Top="50px"
Width="800px" Left="125px" ReloadOnShow="true" ShowContentDuringLoad="false" VisibleStatusbar="false"
Modal="true" Behaviors="Move, Resize, Close">