When I use the advanced form (adapted from the demo on this site) to add extra fields to the admin form I have a problem. With this in place I find that if I try and access a RadWindow on the form load it only works on rare occasions.
When I remove the <telerik:RadScriptReference Path="AdvancedForm.js" /> line from the script manager the radwindow works - although obviously the advanced form functionality then fails.
Any suggestions on what maybe happening here. My code for finding the radwindow is shown below
When I remove the <telerik:RadScriptReference Path="AdvancedForm.js" /> line from the script manager the radwindow works - although obviously the advanced form functionality then fails.
Any suggestions on what maybe happening here. My code for finding the radwindow is shown below
oWnd = $find(
"<%=uxFilterRadWindow.ClientId %>"