We are using RadWindow as modals in our appliction. We have overload RadWindow in a custom control and then use that control thoughout our application. So it worked fantastic but recently something went wrong. All the modals are opening as a tiny modal and have url in status bar and other button in titlebar. which we didn't have initially. So the modal is not applying any properties we have set on server side. It looks like it is creating modal with default settings.
Here is our code for overload:
public class ECxModalWindow : RadWindow
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
ReloadOnShow = true;
ShowContentDuringLoad = false;
VisibleStatusbar = false;
Title = "";
Behaviors = WindowBehaviors.Close | WindowBehaviors.Move;
AutoSize = false;
Modal = true;
OnClientShow = "InitWindow";
CenterIfModal = true;
if (Width.IsEmpty)
Width = new Unit(650, UnitType.Pixel);
if (Height.IsEmpty)
Height = new Unit(300, UnitType.Pixel);
Here is the code we use for opening modal:
function ShowModal(sender, args, modalName) {
var url;
if (typeof(args.get_commandArgument) != "undefined") {
url = args.get_commandArgument();
modalName = args.get_commandName();
} else {
url = args;
window.radopen(url, modalName);
// var oWnd = window.radopen(url,modaln);
if (typeof(args.set_cancel) != "undefined") {
} else {
return false;
HEre is how I declare it:
<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="windowManager" runat="server" VisibleStatusbar="false">
<econometrix:ECxModalWindow ID="NotifyModal" runat="server" Height="480px" Width="440px">
Please let me know what can be done to fix this issue.